The Future
of ‘Bibing’
Easy for you, cozy for them
Our bibs were invented by a mother of three who knew that some bibs are just too overwhelming…

Old Tricks,
New Perspective
Don’t you remember your parents trying to push a napkin onto the front of your shirt when you were young?
We’ve taken that concept of simplicity and upgraded it to keep them cleaner, dryer and happier. Having no straps to hassle with behind the neck makes starting mealtime so quick and simple, a toddler could do it themselves (AND they will want to!)

Our new design has ZERO contact with the back of the neck and more contact with the food they drop. They won’t even want to pull it off!
This bib is meant for the long haul. Pulling at it will cause no tearing or damage of any kind to it or your little one and it will last a lifetime.
Easy to clean and top rack dishwasher safe.
With five calming, soft, simple colors, you never have to worry about a bib being the center of anyone’s attention.
And then came The Spark…

It all started with our oldest son, once he started eating solid food, he had no interest in a bib that went around his neck. My father suggested tucking a napkin into his shirt but that always fell out while he was eating. We ended up with a lot of dirty clothes and just felt that was the way it would be. Our middle daughter followed suit and more dirty clothes came with stains that would never come out and we had our nice clothes, and our food eating clothes!

Fast forward to June 2021, my father passed away and I feel that some of the most random conversations with someone come to mind when they aren’t around anymore. My daughter was about to eat dinner one night and asked for a paper bib, my mind immediately went back to that conversation with my dad, and I started combing the internet for a bib that would sit on the front of my child’s shirt and not fall off. I found nothing! I knew that I could come up with something that would work for them, and that’s when BareNeck was born!

I bought some fabric and some magnets from amazon, taught myself how to sew (roughly) and got to work trying to make something that would work for them. The first time I had my 4-year-old try on my prototype he did not want to take it off! I thought that this was probably more of a problem than just mine and decided to share my product with anyone that has that fussy child or a child that just didn’t want their hair to get stuck in silicone. I hope this will bring a little more ease to mamas everywhere (because we all know mamas need as many breaks as we can get!) and help your children free their necks while still staying clean!

Our Goal is Happiness
It can be tough to get your kids to even sit down for a meal, let alone put a restricting bib around their necks. Our aim is to make food a fun and enjoyable experience for kiddos again while still keeping their clothes looking new as ever!
We want you to be confident
while shopping with us!
If you have questions about us, our products, or even shipping, get in touch! We hope you continue to shop with us for many years to come.
Please feel free to reach out via our contact form here or email us at info@bareneckbibs.com